Interesting Articles

The Vital Importance of Human Touch
The science of human touch and what to do if you’re feeling deprived. Key Points Let’s be honest. The past 18 months have not invited a lot of touch. Quarantined at home and isolated from

Free Yourself
Leominster Osteopaths are offering a revolutionary treatment for sciatica and lower back pain through IDD therapy Mark Roughley is the principal of Leominster Osteopaths, a clinic in Leominster. Sally Lansdale is a fellow Osteopath who

Back Pain Solution
For the past three years the back pain experts at Leominster Osteopaths have been helping back and neck pain sufferers with a breakthrough non-surgical treatment known as IDD Therapy. IDD Therapy uses gentle and precise

Back To Normal
Leominster Osteopaths specialises in pain relief treatment using an IDD Therapy machine, which helped chemical engineer Steve Luckwell and his bad back. Steve Luckwell is a 45-year old chemical engineer from Cardiff. He came to

After 22 years of back pain, I’m cycling again…thanks to IDD Therapy
Glyn Whiting from Leominster thought he may never cycle again when the back pain he’d suffered with for 22 years finally took its toll. “I first hurt my back in 1989 doing too many sit-ups

Breakthrough Back Pain Treatment for Slipped Discs and Sciatica
Breakthrough Back Pain Treatment Back pain experts at Leominster Osteopaths are providing a breakthrough treatment for back pain, neck pain and related symptoms such as sciatica. For the past three years the successful team has