Back Pain Solution

For the past three years the back pain experts at Leominster Osteopaths have been helping back and neck pain sufferers with a breakthrough non-surgical treatment known as IDD Therapy.

IDD Therapy uses gentle and precise computer-controlled pulling forces to distract (draw apart) targeted segments of the spine, taking pressure off specific discs and relieving muscle spasm. It is particularly successful for patients with herniated discs and/or sciatica.

A typical IDD Therapy patient is Lou, 67 from Hereford:

“My back problems began 40 years ago when I fell 200 feet on to a fallen tree whilst serving with the British Army. Since then I’ve suffered with occasional sciatica but in 2010 the pain took over my life – to a point where I hardly slept due to the habitual ice packs on my back and leg. I tried physiotherapy, osteopathy and acupuncture but only gained temporary relief.

At 67, I began to think that I was going to have to live with the pain… but things worsened and I went to see a consultant who confirmed that several discs in my spine were degenerated – and I needed surgery. I felt devastated and was desperate to find an alternative non-invasive treatment. I discovered that Leominster Osteopaths was offering IDD Therapy for disc conditions like mine.

After an IDD Therapy assessment, I began a structured programme of regular hourly treatments over a number of weeks. I was nervous at the start – because until then, any kind of movement had been a challenge and I was anticipating a painful 60 minutes!

My IDD sessions were actually very comfortable. The bed tilts to a vertical position so I was able to get on from a standing position without any difficulty. After some heat therapy to ‘warm up’ my back, I relaxed fully-clothed on the treatment bed for 25 minutes; I could just feel a gentle stretching sensation through my back which was actually quite soothing.

Within a couple of sessions, my pain levels reduced, allowing me to regain some mobility – and confidence – which kept improving with each treatment. As the programme progressed, I was given core-strengthening exercises to help me to maintain my new healthy spine.

At the end of the IDD Therapy programme I was pain-free, completely mobile and able to get back to my gardening and jogging. Almost three years later, I’m still amazed that I’m living my life without pain.”

Leominster Osteopaths’ Director, Mark Roughley is impressed with IDD’s capabilities: “IDD Therapy has been an invaluable addition to our back pain services. Without it, many patients would probably resort to invasive treatments. Overall, our disc patients in particular, have seen a distinct and lasting improvement with the treatment.”

For more information about IDD Therapy or other treatments offered at Leominster Osteopaths, call 01568 610610 or visit

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