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Leominster Osteopaths specialises in pain relief treatment using an IDD Therapy machine, which helped chemical engineer Steve Luckwell and his bad back.

Steve Luckwell is a 45-year old chemical engineer from Cardiff. He came to see us at Leominster Osteopaths in September, as this is the nearest clinic to his home with an IDD Therapy machine. Steve had been suffering from low back pain which was radiating down his leg and into his ankle, giving him a numb foot. He’d had it for about five weeks and had previously had back pain from playing rugby.

Looking at the MRI scan, we could see he had a large bulge coming from the last disc in his spine (L5/S1). This was one of the worst cases we have seen, and so it was quite a challenge to treat him.

Steve had been told by the spinal surgeon that he needed surgery, but he wanted to avoid this at all costs. As Steve spends half his time in Oman, we decided to start treatment in September and managed to get three treatments in before he went away to work. Even those three initial treatments made a difference, with the pain going from his leg and he felt straighter in his spine and more flexible.

When he came back from Oman a month later, the exercises we had given him had helped to keep him out of pain and mobile, but he suffered most getting out of his car, when he would experience extreme low back pain and shooting pains into his leg, but for only last a few seconds.

Steve has now had 15 IDD Therapy sessions and says he’s “brilliant”. He is doing his exercises regularly and only gets the occasional twinge in his calf muscle. He says “It took me a long time searching the Internet for alternatives to surgery, but it was certainly worth the wait”.

At our Leominster clinic, we offer a free 30-minute consultation to people who are interested to find out more. If you have lower back pain, sciatica or neck pain that just isn’t getting better with other forms of treatment, then it may be worthwhile looking into IDD Therapy.

Book a free consultation with our pain relief experts on 01568 610 610.

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